Kamay Ferry Whaves

Kamay Ferry Wharves
Kamay Ferry Wharves Project


La Perouse and Kurnell


McConnell Dowell 


2023 – 2024

The Kamay Ferry Wharves project reinstates ferry wharves at La Perouse and Kurnell in Sydney’s South-East. The project will provide access by water from both wharfs and add valuable recreational facilities for visitors and the community. The project also aims to enhance the recognition of Aboriginal connections around the area.

Certus Projects were engaged by Mc Connell Dowell to deliver the construction of the temporary rock causeway and install power and water utilities to service the wharves. The scope also includes additional car spaces and landscape integration.

Key Features of Projects Include:

  • Safeguarding the Environment during works to meet rigorous Environmental Compliances
  • Construction of rock causeway to support equipment and machinery to safely access work areas on land and water.
  • Installation of water services
  • Car park and footpath realignment

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